Thursday, July 22, 2010

Steam Powered Giraffe | Noah & April

During one of my meetings with Noah, I asked him what kind of entertainment he'd like to have during his cocktail reception.  He said he found this group of performers called Steam Powered Giraffe.  Huh?  Noah & April are the most outgoing, fun-loving people I know.  I knew this was going to be good!  So "who or what is Steam Powered Giraffe?" you ask??

"The short answer: A Musical Pantomime Troupe featuring robot imitation with song.

If you're thinking to yourself, "Mimes can't talk!" You're in for a surprise.
Imagine you're visiting the World's Fair circa 1939. You are surrounded by art deco styled buildings, and everything is splashed with retro-metropolistic themes. A wondrous exhibition of odd technologies for a brighter future!" ... for more information, please check out their website!

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